
Empower your career, Explore Healthcare Opportunities Today!

Have you been thinking of moving to an other country and work as a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional there? Then check out our job listings! If you can’t find the specific position you are looking for, no worries! Contact us and one of our agents will schedule a call with you.

Check Out Our Current Vacancies!

Holistically EU is seeking interested, suitably qualified and experienced Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon for a well-known hospital in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia       The hospital : The hospital is located in the heart of the industrial city

Holistically EU is seeking interested, suitably qualified and experienced Consultant Urologist for a well-known hospital in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia       The hospital : The hospital is located in the heart of the industrial city of Dhahran. It

Holistically EU is seeking interested, suitably qualified and experienced Consultant Pulmonologist for a well-known hospital in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia       The hospital : The hospital is located in the heart of the industrial city of Dhahran. It

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Connecting highly qualified candidates with top notch hospitals

At Holistically we are not just an other recruitment agency, our ultimate goal is to find the best health care professionals in order to provide the best care for patients worldwide.  We not only carefully select the candidates, but also the hospitals we collaborate with. Furthermore, we only recruit for countries where we have lived and worked.  If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate contacting us!



Saudi Arabia

Experience a blend of modern comforts, cultural richness, and unparalleled hospitality while enjoying tax-free income and a vibrant expatriate community in Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates

Discover a dynamic blend of cosmopolitan living and opportunities for professional growth in the United Arab Emirates, complemented by tax-free income and a thriving expatriate community.



Discover the unmatched quality of life in Switzerland, renowned for its stunning landscapes, top-notch healthcare, and diverse cultural offerings, providing a truly enriching lifestyle.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Explore the vibrant lifestyle of the United Kingdom, where rich history, diverse culture, and good healthcare job opportunities converge to offer an enriching and dynamic living experience.